Stress is something that most of us face in our everyday life. Stress can be induced by several factors, both external and internal. This article will look at the different symptoms of stress and how to deal with this condition when it arises.

What is stress exactly?

Stress is the response from our body to a situation that asks a lot from us. Whether it is a mental challenge or physical one, the signal to our body to be ready to go above and beyond is a stress response. When we speak of stress in the rest of this article, we refer to the unhealthy stress that many experience from time to time in their daily lives.

Stress is everywhere

Wherever you go and whatever you do, chances are you will encounter tension. Whether we recognize it or not, it is present in our everyday lives. It can be manifested by small external stimuli, such as unexpected changes in your plans or internal stressors.

Types of stress

Acute stress

Also referred to as an “adversity response“, it is only experienced by the body when the body is completely overwhelmed by a situation. It involves the activation of the pituitary, adrenal glands, and sympathetic nervous system. The release of hormones such as catecholamines, corticosteroids, and epinephrine due to this condition can cause severe symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and chest pain.

Chronic stress

Unlike acute stress, chronic stress involves exposure of the body to repeated or constant exposure to stressors for an extended period. This, too, can involve any internal and external stimuli that may threaten our physical health, but at a more moderate level than acute stress. Chronic stress can be just as dangerous as acute stress if left untreated. This can lead to the deterioration and eventual breakdown of our natural defenses and physiological systems.

What are common triggers for stress?


Unavoidable high job demands and expectations can cause significant levels of pressure. This can occur because dealing with work demands may lead to feelings of guilt and frustration for not being productive at work and exhaustion when trying to balance work with personal life. As a result, employees may experience high-stress levels when attempting to meet responsibilities at work.

Following a stressful job change, employees can experience various stressors, including:

  • Loss of self-concept, performance anxiety.
  • Failure to meet high expectations from the new position.
  • Changing work responsibilities may impact personal relationships at home or in the office and lead to negative effects on self-esteem.  

Family Triggers

Consistent problems with family members, such as arguments and conflicts, can cause strain in a person’s life and even lead to emotional exhaustion. This is because having problems at home can lead to helplessness and frustration due to the inability to fix the situation. This theme ties in with the idea that we feel stress related to a specific person or situation that we cannot change.

What are the symptoms and common couses of stress?

It is also important for individuals in positions of authority to understand how their decisions may affect family members and their families’ lives. Many people may have difficulty finding a work-life balance due to the expectations placed on them by family members and colleagues. Life stresses such as these are common in many families.


Problems with paying mortgages, student loans, or credit card debt can be a major source of stress for adults. Research has shown that adults under 40 years of age are more likely to become stressed out by finances than older adults. This is because when you are in your 20s or 30s, you want to start a family, buy a property and make your life secure. If you cannot do this due to financial problems, it might cause you a lot of stress.


It is often said that health is wealth. If you are unhealthy, you will feel stressed out and unhappy. Perhaps this is the most important reason why health is a major cause of stress. If you do not take care of your body and its functions, it becomes more difficult for other aspects of life to run smoothly.

Natural Calamities

Natural disasters such as earthquakes have caused many people to experience extreme thoughts. This is because not only did the earthquake cause physical damage and constant worry about one’s family members and loved ones. As well as this, there is often a large amount of uncertainty regarding what has happened to people and their families during these disasters.

It is also important to note that natural disasters have side effects, such as changes in an individual’s socioeconomic status and family. A disaster may cause loss of possessions, several family members or friends, living environment, and social relationships.

The Biology Of Stress

What triggers the condition varies from person to person, but how our body reacts physiologically is almost always the same. Firstly, the receptors, such as nerve endings, are stimulated by whatever triggers strain. These receptors send signals to the central nervous system and activate it, resulting in an increased heart rate and blood flow to tissues throughout your body.

More oxygen-rich blood is sent to these tissues and muscles while your digestive system temporarily slows down to conserve energy. Your hypothalamus also secretes hormones into your bloodstream, which increases your alertness levels.

While this mechanism is a beneficial response by your body to prepare you for an immediate flight or fight situation, it can cause pressure and even lead to other health problems if these hormones remain at high levels for extended periods.

What Are The Symptoms Of Stress?

Emotional Symptoms

Emotional symptoms are feelings that affect your mood and emotions. These include feelings of dread, anger, worry, and nervousness. Another emotional symptom is a decreased interest in social interactions, which can make you feel lonely and isolated from others. If this becomes an issue for your relationships with others, it can be considered a social problem.

Physical Symptoms

Stress can be considered a physical symptom if you experience pain anywhere in your body during times of high stress. It is important to realize that the intensity of these physical symptoms varies from person to person and depends on numerous factors such as age and health.

Physical symptoms are any physical reactions such as increased heart rate, decreased appetite, headaches, or muscle tension that your body has to the stress you are experiencing. Sometimes these feelings are so intense that they lead to illnesses such as stress ulcers.

Behavioral Symptoms

Behavioral symptoms refer to changes in the way you interact with people around you or the way you act toward certain situations. For example, it is common for people experiencing a lot of stress to feel anxious when speaking in public. This can be discomfiting for some and cause them to avoid certain social situations.

Cognitive Symptoms

Cognitive symptoms occur when you experience changes in the way you think and reason during stressful times, leading to feelings of confusion and mental distress. For instance, individuals experiencing a lot of stress often have difficulty problem-solving because they cannot concentrate on the task at hand. They may also find it difficult to remember details associated with their work or other important aspects of their lives.

When Does Stress Become A Problem?

Constant Headaches

If you experience chronic headaches or migraines that are often accompanied by stomach problems like diarrhea, then this can be an indication of burnout. Although these are not all direct symptoms of stress, they can be indicators that you are experiencing a lot of stress or not coping well with the stresses in your life.

Decreased Energy And Insomnia

When stress becomes a problem can vary greatly from person to person. However, it is often considered a problem when it causes you to have decreased energy and difficulty sleeping. If the condition is negatively affecting your quality of life, you should address this issue and try to find ways to reduce your stress levels.

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Chronic Pains

Stress is often associated with shoulder and back pain. When you are in deep thought, your muscles tend to stay tense, making you more likely to get a back or shoulder strain. These strains can cause chronic pains, so it is important to reduce and deal with stress as soon as possible.

Depression And Anxiety

When these symptoms affect your mind and make you start thinking irrationally or with distorted thoughts, this is also considered problematic for your well-being.

How Can I Reduce Stress In My Life?


Several kinds of exercise can help reduce tension levels. Even individuals who are new to exercise will experience some level of stress relief from aerobic activity. Moreover, aerobic exercise is more effective for treating burnout symptoms and other long-term stress-related issues.

Take Breaks

It is important to schedule short breaks throughout the day and make them part of your daily routines so that you are not cramming them into a small window of time before you begin work. The benefits of relaxation training make this a worthwhile endeavor.

Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises are very effective at reducing anxiety levels. It is important to remember the practice to calm yourself down.

Talk To A Loved One

Many goals and responsibilities can feel like too much to accomplish when stressed. Talking with your partner or family members will help you deal with stress in an environment that is more familiar, and they may be able to provide insight into the source of your anxiety.

Cultivating The Right Attitude

Many people experiencing stress fail to take action because they feel overwhelmed by the situation. The best way out of difficult situations is often the first step toward doing nothing, which is taking action.

Seek Professional Help

Burnout is not just a physical problem. If your stress levels significantly interfere with your daily life, it is important to seek professional advice and help. Overcoming burnout can be accomplished through counseling or medication, and these professionals can ensure that your mental health and well-being are being taken care of.

Stress & burnout coaching; for 100% recovery!

Reducing stress and recovering from burnout is simply incredibly difficult. The coaches at Meulenberg Training & Coaching understand exactly what you are going through and know how tough it can be. They have often experienced it themselves! With their years of experience and expertise, they are ready to help you step by step toward a full recovery. The results of our one-on-one coaching and absenteeism training will benefit you for a lifetime!


No. There is no stress level test to determine whether you are at risk for burnout, but several warning signs and symptoms can help you determine if you need to take action. There are some online tests that can help assess whether these symptoms are present in your life and indirectly help you decide if it is time to take the steps to reduce stress. If you feel that you might be experiencing the above named symptoms, it is advised to seek advice from a doctor or experienced coach.

Several warning signs and symptoms, such as chronic headaches, insomnia, anxiety, or depression, can help determine if you need to take action. These symptoms often go hand in hand and can be the first indication that you are experiencing stress.

Often the optimum amount of stress is not known. The amount of pressure a person should experience can vary from person to person, based on their lifestyle and the stressors hitting them.

Different stressors affect people in different ways, so after you have successfully dealt with one stressor, it may be that another stressor becomes the more critical issue.


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