Personal effectiveness of employees: Where is the personal effectiveness of your employees? Sometimes there are employees who do not seem to be performing within the company, while they seemed the perfect person for this position during the interview.
Every employee has certain motives and beliefs. This can help them do their job better, but also limit it. By finding out what the strengths and weaknesses of your employees are you can use them optimally. Personal effectiveness is about getting the best out of yourself. In this way, a non-performing employee in a slightly different position can suddenly start performing and be a great asset to the company.
Find out where the personal effectiveness of your employees lies. And help them discover this for themselves
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What is personal effectiveness?
If you work on personal effectiveness, you want to get the best out of yourself. From a business perspective, plan your work in such a way that you can get the best out of yourself and the team. It has to do with taking responsibility, leadership, effective communication, good planning, and organization.
Personal effectiveness is increased when you gain more insight into yourself. What do I find important, why do I find this so important. And are all my beliefs equally helpful, or do some of them stop me from performing better?
Employees can often be classified into specific types. Based on this, it is easier to coordinate which tasks best suit this person. With whom do you let this employee work together to get a strong team?
One is better at planning and organizing. While the other likes to delve deep into the matter, to sort everything out from the bottom. Knowing which personality types your employees have helps you to use them effectively within the organization.
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How do employees increase their personal effectiveness?
Employees can increase their personal effectiveness by increasing their insight into themselves. By reflecting and making connections between their own thinking and practice, they will function better, both in their work and in private life.
Important steps include getting to know their strengths and weaknesses. Set clear goals and learn to communicate better to increase personal effectiveness. With these insights, they get the tools to work in a result-oriented way. Employees also learn to cope better with stress. Because they now know what triggers them or which activities give too much work pressure.
This is also an important insight. Because too much work pressure, for an extended period of time, is unhealthy and can lead to burnout complaints.
By working on personal effectiveness, employees get a better understanding of their talents. They learn to use these optimally. They also see which skills they lack and need to develop to achieve their goals.
The insight into their own behavior and the effect of this on others increases effectiveness and shows good results.
The personality types, for more personal effectiveness
It is of course not the intention to put all your employees in boxes, but it is for example useful to use the personality types from a test such as an MBTI test. Because if you and your employees know what type of personality suits them, suitable work can be offered.
That is not only nice for the company, which can expect more productivity. The employee will also be able to develop further and feel more at home with activities that suit him or her.
Your employees get more work done if they know how they can use their talents. And they go to work with a better feeling. You might find out in this way why some employees are not performing as expected. Change of the work field, adapted to their talents, fits better with their personality.
The test looks broadly at how employees deal with incentives. Are they extrovert or introverted? How do they process new information? Do they base this on factual information or do they prefer to get their knowledge from previous experiences?
How do they make decisions? Is this first carefully considered or do they trust their feelings purely? And how do they deal with their duties? Are they well organized and are they first planned or do they go full steam ahead and see where they end up.
All of these important personality traits, you as a manager can do a lot with. If you put a team together for a project, it is good to combine different personality types. This way everyone can benefit from the personal effectiveness of the other.
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Why is it important to know your personality type?
Personal effectiveness is closely related to your personality type. Employing people based on their competencies and skills is much more effective than looking at their intellect. More and more companies use the MBTI-like test in the workplace.
Knowing your personality type ensures better collaboration between colleagues. Employees with additional characteristics in one team work super efficiently. If you know how someone processes information best, this helps in giving feedback. This way information can be transferred in an effective and personal way.
It also becomes easier to motivate your employees. Not everyone likes the same approach. Some need more feedback than others. Conflicts become easier to manage once you know how employees deal with opposition. An analytical thinker together with a ‘trial and error’ type in one team will give collisions. Although the cooperation with some steering can work out very well. Something to keep in mind.
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What personality types are there?
Disclaimer: it is not the case that we actively recommend the MBTI test. We would like to show the benefits of actively working with the personalities of each employee. In the MBTI test, people are subdivided into 16 personality types. These are in turn subdivided into 4 groups. Namely; the analysts, the diplomats, the sentries, and the scouts.
Analysts are mainly impartial and rational. Their obstinacy and imaginative attitude can sometimes cause problems with social activities. But analysts are excellent strategic thinkers who can be a real addition to a team.
Diplomats are warm people with great empathy. They do not feel at ease when relying solely on cold rationality. They prefer to play the connecting factor in social circles. A great colleague to get a team in line.
Sentries are primarily practical. They like order and safety. They are generally traditional and rely on the rules. he works well according to fixed plans. Difficult tasks have been assigned to them. Partly because of their trust in rules and plans, these personality types can also be very inflexible. If you need a fixed value in a team, deploy a sentry.
And last but not least, the scouts, these are the drivers of the group. Spontaneous, practical employees who excel in situations where a quick response is required. Indispensable types for sale, due to their great ability to improvise. But beware, their characteristics sometimes make them take risky decisions.
These 4 main groups are again subdivided into 16 personality types:
1. The Architect
We find the architect among the analysts. This is a fairly rare personality. Only 2% of the population falls under this type, these are mainly men. The architect sees his life as a big chess game. They go straight for their goal, decisive, ambitious yet curious and imaginative.
The architect does not waste his energy. They like to share their broad and in-depth knowledge with others. In their work, they like to be involved in designing and implementing brilliant plans. If they believe in a goal, they will do everything they can to achieve it. Architects have a firm belief that with dedication, intelligence, and attention everything is possible.
On the other hand, they also think that people are too lazy, short-sighted or selfish to achieve excellent results.
Architects radiate self-confidence, have original ideas and a strong personality. Perfectionism is common in this group. Those who cannot keep up with the architect will soon lose their respect.
The architect is a type that likes to be on its own. Rules, restrictions, and traditions are not devoted to them. They want to keep control of the situation and will do everything they can to keep the freedom to do what they want.
2. The Logical
Logic is also a fairly rare type, but 3% of the population falls under this. And that’s a good thing too. Because the logician does not like to be average. Often these types are real thinkers, philosophers, such as dreamy professor. Albert Einstein, for example, was a logician.
Everything must be investigated. Their logic and accuracy are characteristic. If a problem can be unraveled, the logician is the person to solve it.
The logician comes with unique and feasible solutions. But do not expect a detailed report, for this, it is better to put another personality type on it, they are not interested in practical, daily activities and/or maintaining them.
Give a logician space to let his creativity and genius blossom and you have an inexhaustible source of energy.
A logician can look aloof because of the constant debate in their heads. But if they can share their interests with others, they are very relaxed and friendly. This must be familiar, with a stranger the logician withdraws into his shell.
With this type, fear of failure is a major stumbling block. Always afraid to miss a piece of the puzzle. If this uncertainty is overcome, this personality type is of great value.
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3. The Commander
Born leaders are the commanders. Do you want to leave a large mass behind one common goal? Leave that to the commander, with his charisma, confidence and projected authority.
A strong drive, ruthless rationality, and determination make them achieve every goal they have set themselves. There are few commanders, but we owe them the large, successful companies and institutions that we all use. Steve Jobs, for example, is a well-known commander.
Give the commander a big challenge, you cannot make him happier. Commanders are powerful business leaders and brilliant entrepreneurs.
4. From Debater
The debater is a confusing type. They like to play the devil’s advocate. They are constantly looking for knowledge and gather it by defending and attacking an idea from every angle. In this way, they also try to get an understanding of other people’s reasoning.
The debater is irreplaceable when re-inventing existing systems. But they prefer to stay away from the daily routine. Brainstorming and thinking big is entirely their thing. They gladly leave the execution to others.
Creating original ideas has been devoted to this type. Implementing the ideas, and maintaining them, can be better entrusted to the picky personalities.
The debater can be a valuable leader, but they often lack the perseverance needed for this. They will always depend on others to implement their ideas. When the debater learns to include compromise and feel in addition to logic and progress, he can get far.

5. The Lawyer
Lawyers are very rare but very important for the world. Some famous lawyers are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa.
They have a unique combination of features. Because although they speak in a friendly way, they have very strong opinions. Do they believe in something that they will fight for?
The mission in their life is not to take advantage to benefit themselves, but to bring things into balance.
Lawyers are seen as warm, social and sensitive people. But often this comes at the expense of themselves. They forget to take care of themselves, resulting in exhaustion, stress and neglected health. It is difficult for lawyers to deal with criticism and conflict situations. If they cannot avoid the situation, they will try to fight back in a non-constructive way.
6. The Mediator
A mediator is always looking for the good. Despite their calm, reserved or even shy appearance, there is an inner passion.
We often find mediators in creative professions such as poets, writers, and actors. Always looking for self-knowledge and their role in the world.
The mediator is a limited social type. As soon as they spread their attention to too many people, their energy will run out. They like to lose themselves in deep thoughts and withdraw. Getting a mediator back in the real world can take a lot of effort.
7. By Protagonist
The protagonist takes great pleasure in guiding others in order to improve themselves and the community. They are natural leaders that we often see in politics, as a coach or teacher. Inspiring and with natural self-confidence.
The mission of a protagonist is to help others. They like to fight for everything they believe in. A better future for everyone. Famous protagonists are Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey.

8. The Campaigner
Around 7% of the population are campaigners. True free spirits who enjoy social and emotional ties with others. If campaigners find a goal that stimulates their interest, they will radiate unprecedented energy. Because of this, they are often seen as a leader or guru. But that is not the role that the campaigner wants. They like to be independent.
If they get stuck in a boring role, where they are taken over by administrative duties, they can quickly lose their temper or become depressed.
This type is very emotional and sensitive. Social stress is something that can keep them awake.
Campaigners can achieve incredible results with their imagination, empathy, and courage.
9. From Logistics
One of the most common personality types is the logistician. Integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication make this type the driving force among many companies.
They like to take responsibility for their actions and are proud of their work. They complete their duties with accuracy and patience.
A logistician is doing something right or simply not doing it. And when he does something, he prefers to do it alone. They like to achieve their goals without debate or worry about the reliability of others.
Their dedication is a strength and at the same time a weakness. Others can easily abuse this. With their drive to ensure that everything runs smoothly, there is a risk that colleagues shift responsibilities to them. Work pressure and stress are lurking. Emotional stress is a point of attention with this personality type.

10. The Defender
Defenders are quite unique, even though around 13% of the population falls under this type. The way in which they use their strengths determines who they are. They are generally empathetic, calm and reserved but can come out of the corner to protect friends or family.
Feeling understood and respected is very important for the defenders. They are very accurate, down to the last detail. And although they can postpone tasks, they do get their work done on time.
This type takes its responsibility very personally. They do everything to exceed expectations and make others happy. They will not shout their achievements from the rooftops, with the danger that others will run off with honor.
If you want to maintain the confidence and enthusiasm of this group, make sure that they are not overwhelmed with work from others. A defender sometimes forgets to take care of himself.
11. The Manager
The manager stands for tradition and order. They are appreciated for their clear advice and guidance. If you want to organize something, the supervisor is perfectly suited for this. They know how to bring people together like no other.
Many famous politicians and business people are leaders. They believe in the rule of law and authority that must be earned. They like to lead by example and hate laziness and deception.
The manager can entrust you with the most challenging projects without any problems. Even with heavy resistance, they will stick to their principles.
Not everyone follows the same path, and that is immediately the greatest challenge for the manager. Recognizing the power of the individual enables them to take the lead in a direction that works for everyone.
12. The Consul
The consul does his best to ensure that everyone is satisfied. They like to be the center of attention. Science and politics do not last long for the consul. He prefers to look at concrete, practical issues, such as improving his social status and observing other people.
In groups where conflicts easily arise, a consul is indispensable. They will always try to restore harmony and stability in the group.
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13. The Virtuoso
The virtuoso is a natural maker. They enjoy projects and are often technicians or engineers. Taking things apart and putting them back together better, that makes the virtuoso happy.
Virtuosos have a strong sense of direct justice.
The virtuoso thinks their tolerant nature is a matter of course and runs into the fact that others are not served by it, have stricter rules or think otherwise about acceptable behavior.
The virtuoso has difficulty predicting emotions and does not like limits and guidelines. They want to be free and enjoy going off the beaten track to reach their goal.
Give them an environment with like-mindedness and the virtuoso will blossom.
14. The Adventurer
The adventurer does not like to be put in a box. As an artist, they like to push the boundaries of the social convention. Adventurers often seem unpredictable. They are also more likely to try extreme sports.
An adventurer with noble goals and principles can act very unselfishly. But this same type can be selfish and manipulative if they have developed a more egocentric identity.
Find the strengths of this type and use them for goals they love.
15. The Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs like to be the center of attention. They like energetic conversations or prefer to get started right away. An entrepreneur acts first and thinks later and, finds it unnecessary to analyze risks beforehand. Errors can also be corrected en route.
Organized environments are a real challenge for the entrepreneur. But this type also has a particularly unique ability to notice small changes and prefers to use these observations immediately. This does not always go well and this type easily crosses sensitive people. But they also lose sight of their own health and safety.
The entrepreneur is a good group leader, who draws people with his inspiring persuasion. Full of passion and energy they blend into the moment. With only 4% there are exactly enough entrepreneurs to keep things interesting.
16. The Entertainer
Entertainers are the real peacemakers. Their spontaneity makes them blend in with the moment and they like to take others along. There is no other type that is so generous with its time and energy. The world is their stage and they turn it into a party.
Although it doesn’t always seem that way, entertainers are very sensitive to the emotions of others. They are happy to help others with challenging problems, emotional support, and advice. But they don’t like to be criticized themselves.
The entertainers do not care much for duties and responsibilities. They are often bad planners because they are primarily focused on seizing opportunities. The latter is indispensable for successful growth in competing sectors.

Use personal effectiveness in the workplace
Now that you know which qualities increase the personal effectiveness of your employees, it is up to you to use them effectively in the workplace. Every employee has his or her added value. By using this properly, the employee will feel better and feel more appreciated.
They can handle the work better because it suits them. This prevents excessive workload and stress. By helping employees to increase their personal effectiveness, sick leave can be considerably reduced.
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